Mirny-13 — Global wiki.

Mirny-13 - Global wiki. World of Tanks

[updated] halloween 2020: your guide to mirny-13

Akira Yamaoka, Aleksander Khilko, Aleksey Vanchuk — Mirny-13 (Hangar Theme) : Akira Yamaoka, Aleksander Khilko, Aleksey Vanchuk — Mirny_13 (WoT Halloween Hangar Theme 2020)

Aleksander Khilko, Aleksey Vanchuk, Ivan Kucherenko — Mirny-13 (Intro Theme Andrey Kulik Remix) : Aleksander Khilko, Aleksey Vanchuk, Ivan Kucherenko — Mirny_13 (Intro Theme Andrey Kulik Remix)

Aleksander Khilko, Aleksey Vanchuk, Ivan Kucherenko — Mirny-13 (Intro Theme) : Aleksander Khilko, Aleksey Vanchuk, Ivan Kucherenko — Mirny_13 (Intro Theme)

Andrey Kulik — Mirny-13 (Battle Theme 1) : Andrey Kulik — Mirny-13 (Battle Theme 1)

Andrey Kulik — Mirny-13 (Battle Theme 2) : Andrey Kulik — Mirny-13 (Battle Theme 2)

Andrey Kulik — Mirny-13 (Battle Theme 3) : Andrey Kulik — Mirny-13 (Battle Theme 3)

Andrey Kulik — Mirny-13 (Battle Theme 4) : Andrey Kulik — Mirny-13 (Battle Theme 4)

«мирный-13» — новое игровое событие в wot. первые подробности.

 Сталкеры… Отставить. Танкисты!

В наше распоряжение попал секретный документ о событиях в «Мирном-13». Информация — конфиденциальная, уровень допуска — наивысший. Полученные данные говорят, что необходима специальная техника для разведки.

Сейчас наши ведущие учёные работают над ней. Мы до конца не знаем, с чем вам придётся столкнуться. Вот вся информация, которой мы располагаем.

Секретные испытания

В конце сентября мы отправили разведгруппы в «Мирный-13», жители которого накануне были эвакуированы. В городе повсеместно регистрировались массовые электромагнитные и радиоактивные аномалии. Их число увеличивалось по мере приближения к населённому пункту. Нам удалось сделать несколько снимков города при помощи аэрофотосъёмки, показывающих текущее состояние.

Mirny-13 - Global wiki.

 Изменения происходили поэтапно. На первом этапе регистрировался отказ электроприборов и рост радиации. На втором — изменения ландшафта: в земле появились трещины, из которых хлынуло неизвестное вещество, похожее на нефть.

Временные аномалии

Когда подъём радиации прекратился и её уровень стабилизировался, мы организовали новую разведывательную миссию в «Мирный-13». Танки нашего взвода были оборудованы усиленной защитой от электромагнитного и радиоактивного излучений. Это помогло им сохранить работоспособность в экстремальных условиях. 

В этой операции нас сопровождал учёный — он фиксировал изменения пространства вокруг нас. В городе наш взвод столкнулся с необъяснимыми явлениями: пространство вокруг менялось прямо у нас на глазах. Временами мы не могли определить наше местоположение.

Mirny-13 - Global wiki.

 Неизвестный противник

В ходе миссии разведчики столкнулись с необычной бронетехникой, чьё оружие работало на неизвестных нам физических принципах. Выжило всего несколько бойцов из целого подразделения. Высокий уровень радиации вывел из строя приборы визуально-оптического контроля, поэтому всё, что нас есть, — это рисунки, сделанные уцелевшими, с краткими и расплывчатыми описаниями.

Mirny-13 - Global wiki.

  Игровое событие — «Мирный-13»

26 октября — 9 ноября.

 — Нашивки и медали фан-режима «Мирный-13» WOT.

Mirny-13 - Global wiki.

Mirny-13 - Global wiki.

Mirny-13 - Global wiki.

Mirny-13 - Global wiki.

Mirny-13 - Global wiki.

   Члены экипажа (5 шт. всего) фан-режима «Мирный-13» WOT.                

 Пётр Лопахин — СССР

Josselin Beaumont — 🇫🇷Франция

Norman Stansfield — 🇬🇧Великобритания           

Robert Barnes — 🇺🇸США 

Elias Grodin — 🇺🇸США

Mirny-13 - Global wiki.

  Танк: Неуязвимый (🇩🇪Германия, ТТ-10).

 По данным команды WotExpress — это босс из режима хэллоуин 2020 WOT «Мирный-13».

Его технически нельзя убить, от него нужно только бегать по карте. Босс большой и у него также впервые появилась механика светящегося объекта.

 Неуязвимый собран на базе E 100, на него установлена двустволка.

Mirny-13 - Global wiki.

Mirny-13 - Global wiki.

Mirny-13 - Global wiki.

  Карта игрового режима «Мирный-13» WOT

Карта называется как и сам режим «Мирный-13». Мирный-13 это город. Карта одна и это переделанный «Затерянный город» в тёмных и мрачных тонах. В воздухе летает много мусора, а вокруг видна фиолетовая жижа и осколки. Хоть локация и одна для режима, с каждой фазой (кол-во зависит от выбранного уровня сложности) она немного динамически изменятся. 

Про WoT:  "Activation of gaming charges from Beltelecom and World of Tanks, along with bonus codes, is now possible through Tele2 subscriber minutes exchange for both World of Tanks and World of Ships."

 По всей карте за Вашим отрядом катается Неуязвимый (🇩🇪Германия, ТТ-10, ивентовый, за основу взят E 100) — это босс данного режима, которого нельзя убить и от которого нужно просто убегать.

Mirny-13 - Global wiki.

Mirny-13 - Global wiki.

  Вид бота Ёрш (из Стального охотника Брандер француза, 1 в 1) из режима на Хэллоуин 2020.                    

За данный класс ботов будет представлен только 1 танк: сам Ёрш (🇩🇪Германия, ЛТ-1, ивентовый) — сделан на основе Брандера из Стального охотника.

Mirny-13 - Global wiki.

Mirny-13 - Global wiki.

Mirny-13 - Global wiki.

  Вид бота Москит из режима на Хэллоуин 2020.

За данный класс ботов будет представлен также только лишь 1 танк: сам Москит (СССР, ТТ-6, ивентовый) — это ДОТ, а башня взята с према КВ-2 (Р).

A master’s touch

This year, we teamed up with Ito Masahiro, the art director of the first three Silent Hill games, and Akira Yamaoka, a world-famous video game music composer and sound designer. He also worked as a producer on the Silent Hill series, as well as served as a composer.


During each Phase, you may encounter an anomaly—a special entity that appears after you have destroyed or damaged some enemies. Once activated, the anomaly increases a certain characteristic of your tank, granting bonuses until the end of the battle or until your vehicle is destroyed.

Anomalies teleport with you from Phase to Phase throughout the battle. But while their effects stack, they don’t apply to other players’ tanks. Don’t forget about them, especially during the first Phases—they will greatly help you on your dangerous journey.

There are 9 types of anomalies in the mode, and each of them improves a specific parameter of your vehicle:

At the start of the battle, each tank will get a random anomaly. You can pick up more anomalies as you go. They will stay with you throughout the battle.

Battle missions

Three types of combat missions are available in the mode:

  • Daily Missions
  • Missions for Commitment (cumulative missions)
  • Missions for Mastery (domination missions)

You will also have access to daily missions in Random Battles to earn Stimulants and Commander Experience Boosters.
Each new mission will unlock, in succession, when the previous mission of its type is completed.

  • Daily Missions earn credits and are available once a day.
  • Completing the Missions for Commitment will reward you with Coins and a special badge. They will also unlock the Grenadier, a light tank featuring an HE autoreloader.
  • Having completed the Missions for Mastery, you will receive Coins, another cool badge, event style elements*, and an additional unique 2D custom look for Random Battles. Fulfilling these missions will also unlock the Malachite, a versatile medium tank.
  • Be among the top 7 players on your team by experience earned
  • Can be completed in Random Battles in Tier VII and higher vehicles
  • Once a day
  • Reward: 1 Commander Stimulant
  • Be among the top 5 players on your team by experience earned
  • Can be completed in Random Battles in Tier VII and higher vehicles
  • Once a day
  • Reward: 1 Commander Stimulant
  • Choose your difficulty level!

    There are three difficulty levels available: one-star, two-star, and three-star. The higher the difficulty, the stronger the enemies and the more valuable the rewards for a victorious battle. But don’t be deceived, as even the «one-star» difficulty level will be quite challenging for many commanders, so never let your guard down! Get ready to fight with all your might to reach the end and escape from Mirny-13 alive.


    To increase your chances of survival in Mirny-13 and to fight enemies more effectively, be sure to use special consumables. 2 types of Team consumables (giving bonuses to you and the entire team) and 4 types of Personal consumables (giving bonuses to only your tank) will be available.

    Phase teleportation

    There will be several Phases you need to go through to return home. When playing on the one-star difficulty level, you will have to fight through 3 Phases. For two-star and three-star, survive 4 Phases.

    For each Phase, Magnus consumes exactly as much Mirium as it takes to move on to the next Phase, so you can save any excess. Therefore, the more Mirium you collect, the easier it will be during the next Phase because with each new Phase, the amount of Mirium required for teleportation increases. Take your time to complete each Phase and maximize your advantage!

    With each new Phase, it will be harder to survive as the enemies will become stronger and battles with them will sap more and more of your strength. Visibility will also get worse due to the dense fog that thickens over the town with each subsequent Phase.

    Previous reports and general instructions

    At the end of September, we sent scouts to the town of Mirny-13, which had recently been evacuated, where massive but unsystematic anomalies were registered. Mirny-13 was populated mainly by oil workers and their families. The Arzagir military testing ground, to which access is strictly prohibited, is located 21 kilometers from Mirny-13.

    Electrical appliance failures and high levels of radiation were previously noted in the town. After that, the landscape began to change—cracks appeared on the ground, from which an unexplored substance similar to oil poured out. We were able to take some pictures of the new environment with aerial photography.

    When radiation levels peaked and stabilized, terrain changes stopped. We headed to Mirny-13 with a new reconnaissance mission.

    Immediately upon arrival in the town, our platoon encountered inexplicable anomalies. The environment around us suddenly began to change right in front of us. It seemed that we were moving sequentially along several time dimensions, each of which was the gateway to the next. Successfully completing tasks in each dimension, we slowly but surely moved towards the final goal.

    We went to Mirny-13 with a platoon of tanks with enhanced protection against electromagnetic radiation. They were specially upgraded to meet the extreme conditions in which we had to operate. We were also accompanied by a scientist who was carrying out additional environmental measurements.

    The first scouts to go to Mirny-13 faced supernatural armored objects that they had never met before. Only a few scouts from the entire unit survived. Due to the overwhelming level of radiation, they didn’t manage to capture pictures of these hostile vehicles.

    Progression system

    At the end of the battle, you get rewards in the form of credits, XP, and Free XP. The higher the difficulty, the more credits and XP you earn, and the faster you can upgrade your Commander.

    Depending on the amount of Mirium collected, you will get Commander XP to upgrade the Commander of your vehicle. From battle to battle, their level will increase, and for each new level achieved, you will receive the event’s currency—Coins.

    The Commanders of the Malachite and the Grenadier earn more Coins at the start of the battle. Starting from Level 5, all vehicles earn the same number of Coins.

    Про WoT:  Овладение искусством WOT: преодоление серии поражений
    LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6
    Number of Coins Number of Coins Number of Coins Number of Coins Number of Coins Number of Coins
    Hornet 1 2 3 5 9 9
    Cerberus 1 2 3 5 9 9
    Goliath 1 2 3 5 9 9
    Malachite 3 4 5 7 9 9
    Grenadier 3 4 5 7 9 9
    Commander XP 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500

    You can exchange Coins for exclusive 3D styles and other stuff in the event store. Styles will be complemented by unique custom crew members as New Recruits who you can move to any tank in your Garage. Five tanks are available during the event, so you can get five cool 3D styles and five custom crew members with enough XP to learn three perks.


    The main rewards of the most supernatural event in World of Tanks are:
    5 exclusive 3D styles for the five great tanks that served as prototypes for the combat vehicles in this mode:

    • tier IX — M103
    • tier IX — AMX 13 90
    • tier IX — Centurion Mk. 7/1
    • tier IX — T-54
    • tier IX — T49

    5 unique custom crew members with 3 perks. They complement the 3D styles above and accompany them as a set.

    Another stunning 2D custom look for Random Battles:

    Exclusive medals and badges:

    Personal Reserves for credits, a load of Crew Books, and other valuable in-game stuff.
    And don’t forget about the three mind-blowing 3D styles for German tanks (the Panther II, the E 50, and the E 50 Ausf. M), created with the participation of the legendary Ito Masahiro.

    Special vehicles

    In this mode, five familiar vehicles specially prepared for survival in the extreme conditions of Mirny-13 will be available. The following vehicles will be instantly available in the mode’s Garage:

    • Hornet: a speedy and maneuverable light tank with an autoloader
    • Cerberus: a versatile medium tank with a solid turret and high rate of fire
    • Goliath: a menacing heavy tank with high alpha damage and good speed

    You will also have the opportunity to roll into battle in two even more formidable vehicles:

    • Malachite: a medium tank with increased durability and accelerated repair of damaged modules
    • Grenadier: a light tank featuring an accurate HE autoreloader

    Each tank has its own gameplay features. You can unlock these great armored hunters by completing special combat missions (more on them below) in the mode or get them immediately using gold or by purchasing special bundles. As a nice bonus for players, the Commanders of these two armored explorers will receive additional Commander XP and Coins (read about them below) at the beginning of the battle.

    Stimulants & commander experience boosters

    Since Mirny-13 has a very high level of electromagnetic radiation, the Commander of the tank in which you played needs time to recover from acute radiation poisoning after each battle. That means the vehicle won’t be available for battle for some time*.

    However, you can instantly recover your vehicle’s Commander by using credits to purchase a Stimulant. The cost of purchasing each Stimulant will be higher than the previous one. You can also earn more Stimulants by completing special daily missions in Random Battles.

    Some of these daily missions will reward you with Commander Experience Boosters, which are boosters that activate before heading into battle. They double your Commander XP for that battle. You can get Commander Experience Boosters as part of event bundles or by purchasing them individually.

    1 25,000
    2 75,000
    3 135,000
    4 and above 225,000

    Cooldown is reset every day and gradually increases after each battle, regardless of whether you waited for the end of the cooldown or paid for the recovery of your Commander. Recovery takes no more than 24 hours and is reset once a day.

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