- Что значат отметки на стволах орудий?
- Barracks and garage views
- Bonuses and penalties
- Effective training level
- Experience required to increase training level
- Managing skills and perks
- Multiple roles
- Perks
- Personal file
- Proficiency
- Skills and perks
- Training and retraining in the major qualification
- Как быстро получить отметки?
- Как получить отметки
- Классы техники
- Обучение экипажа
Что значат отметки на стволах орудий?
Отличительные отметки на стволах орудий — один из видов игровых достижений.
Для получения отметки игроку необходимо нанести как можно больше урона в течение одного боя. Чем выше показатель среднего урона за бой по сравнению с остальными игроками на данном танке, тем выше степень достижения и больше отметок на стволе.
Урон, нанесённый с помощью игрока, также учитывается. Благодаря этому достижение доступно как для лёгких танков, которые предназначены не столько для нанесения урона, сколько для обнаружения целей для союзников, так и для САУ, которые помогают союзникам оглушением вражеской техники. Учитывается максимальный урон за сбитие гусеницы, «засвет» или оглушение, а не сумма этих значений
Для получения отличительной отметки на орудие, средний показатель нанесённого игроком урона и урона, нанесённого с его помощью, должен превышать аналогичные результаты определенного количества игроков, достигнутые ими на данной машине за последние 14 дней.
Учёт считается отдельно для каждого танка начиная с версии 9.1. Бои, проведённые до этого обновления, в зачёт не идут: это необходимо для создания равных условий для всех игроков. Статистика урона собирается ежедневно. Таким образом, учитываются любые изменения в игре.
Для расчёта берутся результаты последней серии боёв на танке, а не всех боёв, что позволяет оперативно отслеживать успехи игрока. Что это значит? Средние показатели за бой на машине в течение последних 14 дней сравниваются со средними результатами других игравших на этой же машине в течение последних 14 дней. Результативность определяется по последним 100 боям и с каждым новым сражением уточняется.
Чтобы получить отметки начального уровня достижения, игрок должен попасть в списки лучших по среднему урону:
- Лучшим 35% игроков на таком же танке присваивается первая степень достижения и одна отметка.
- Лучшим 15% игроков присваивается вторая степень и две отметки на стволе.
- Лучшим 5% игроков присваивается высшая степень и три отметки.
Пример отметок и соответствующий процент игроков по урону:
Вот пример расположения отметок на стволе советского танка:
У других наций отметки будут выглядеть иначе:
Внешний вид отметок на орудии может отличаться от представленного выше на некоторых акционных/специальных машин или в случае использования некоторых 3D-стилей. К ним относятся, например:
- СТ IX уровня Т 55А
- ТТ VI уровня КВ-2 (Р)
- Стиль «Келевра» для СТ X уровня Объект 430У.
- Стиль «Абсолютно (не)пробиваемая броня».
Показатель отображается для каждого танка в разделе «Достижения» > «Техника» > «Награды» в явном виде: «Ваш показатель урона лучше, чем у N% игроков на таком же танке».
Чем стабильнее вы наносите урон, тем меньшее количество боёв нужно для расчёта вашего личного показателя. В среднем для присвоения высшей степени достижения может потребоваться от 50 до 100 и более боёв.
Нет, полученные отметки начисляются на танк навсегда и не могут быть понижены или отобраны.
Да, по желанию вы можете отключить отображение отметок на танке как для себя, так и для других игроков, но чужие отметки при этом будут отображаться.
Сделать это можно в меню «Настройки» > «Игра» > «Отображать отличительные отметки».
Barracks and garage views
The Barracks view entry tab is located in the Garage view, top center-right. Players start with sixteen bunks in their Barracks, and can increase the number of bunks by additional increments of 16 bunks at a cost of 300 Gold by scrolling down and selecting the Enlarge Barracks button.
Only crew members who are not assigned to a tank in the Garage actually take up a bunk in the Barracks. Those crew members who are currently assigned to vehicles in the Garage are listed in the Barracks window, but do not occupy a bunk in the Barracks.
In the Garage view, hovering the cursor over a crew member will provide information about that crewman. A left-click on a crew member will bring up a small pop-up menu which will allow replacement of the crew member with 1) a new Recruit or 2) with another crewman of same Major Qualification already resident in a bunk in the Barracks.
Bonuses and penalties
The game mechanics include a system of Bonuses and Penalties that have variable effect upon the Training Level of the Major Qualification and that of any acquired Skill or Perk. Bonuses and Penalties also effect the applicability, effectiveness, and performance of some Skills and Perks and the amount of experience earned in a battle that is applied to increasing the Skill or Perk’s Training Level.
Bonuses and Penalties may change at any time during a battle depending upon the battlefield situation, the equipment installed on the vehicle, the consumables available on-board, the types of acquired Skills and Perks of the crew, the Training Levels of each crew member, and/or some combination of all of these factors.
At the start of each battle those applicable Bonuses and Penalties have an impact on the Training Level of each crew member in their Major Qualification and that in each of their acquired Skills and Perks. The cumulative effect of these Bonuses and Penalties results in an overall Effective Training Level (See that section below) for the vehicle which includes Bonus additions and Penalty reductions used by the game mechanics to calculate your vehicle’s performance in battle.
The calculations are dynamic and change as Bonuses and Penalties change throughout the battle. At the conclusion of the battle, the net effect of all of the Bonuses and Penalties applied during the game will have an effect upon the amount of experience earned in the battle by the vehicle and by each crew member.
Bonuses that Impact Crew Experience and Crew Training LevelsThe following Bonuses increase the Effective Training Level of your crew members and may also increase the amount of experience they earn in a battle.
- The Premium Consumables Bonus: If at the start of a battle the vehicle is carrying any purchased premium consumables that enhance Training Level it will provide a flat 10% addition to the Training Level of the Major Qualification and to that of any acquired Skills for each crew member. There is no Bonus effect on Perks. The Bonus is added for the entire duration of the battle, and it applies even if the Major Qualification or Skill Training Level is at 100%, ie 100 10=110%. The Training Level enhancing premium consumables are available for purchase by country and are:
- The Improved Ventilation Equipment Bonus: If at the start of a battle the vehicle is equipped with any purchased and installed Improved Ventilation equipment it will provide a flat 5% addition to the Training Level of the Major Qualification and to that of any acquired Skills for each crew member. There is no Bonus effect on Perks. The Bonus addition is effective for the entire battle and will remain effectgive for so long as the equipment is installed on the vehicle. The Bonus effect applies even if the Major Qualification or Skill Training Level is at 100%, ie 100 5=105%.
- Commander’s Mentor Skill Bonus: If the vehicle’s Commander has acquired the Mentor Skill, for every 1% of the Training Level of the Commander’s Mentor Skill, all crew members except the Commander himself, receive an amount of 0.1% additional experience at the end of every battle, up to a maximum of 10% each when the Mentor Skill reaches 100%. If the Commander’s Mentor Skill Training Level increases during the battle, the crew will benefit from the increase.
- Commander’s Jack of All Trades Skill Bonus: If the vehicle’s Commander has acquired the Jack of All Trades Skill, it enables the Commander to fill in for and perform the role of any wounded or killed crew members. The replacement starts immediately upon injury or death of a crew member, but is limited to the JoAT Skill’s current Training Level x 0.5% (Or up to a maximum of 50%) for the first knocked out crew member. If additional crew members are knocked out then the effect is divided evenly between the additional knocked out crew members. If the Commander is replacing one knocked out crewman then the Commander performs that role at 50% level, if he/she must replace 2 knocked out crewman at the same time, the Commander performs each of the two roles at 25%. The JoAT Skill does not provide a direct Bonus for any knocked-out crewman but it does partially offset the Penalty that the vehicle’s performance and experience earned in battle that would otherwise incur as a result of a dead crew member. It effectively adds to the experience the Commander may realize in the battle.
- The Brothers in Arms Perk Bonus: If each member of the crew has trained the BIA Perk to 100% Training Level then the Perk is active and it increases by a fixed amount of 5%, the Training Level of each one of the crew members in their Major Qualification and in any of the common Skills (Repair, Firefighting, and/or Camouflage) they may have acquired. It also improves the Commander’s Mentor Skill by 5%. The BIA Perk does not have any affect on other other role-specific Skills or Perks a crewman may have.
- The Large First Aid Kit Bonus: If the vehicle is equipped with a purchased premium consumable Large First Aid Kit at the start of a battle it will provide a 15% reduction in the chance of each crew member suffering an injury from penetrating hits. Additionally, activating the LFAK will restore all injured or killed crew members to full health. However, the LFAK can only be activated one time per battle. Once activated it is consumed and the 15% reduction to crew injury risk is lost. The LFAK does not provide a direct Bonus to any crewman but while active it does reduce the risk of any crew member incurring a Penalty to the experience he/she would otherwise earn in the battle due to their being knocked-out.
- The Small First Aid Kit Bonus: If the vehicle is equipped with a purchased regular consumable Small First Aid Kit at the start of a battle it will provide the one-time ability to restore one injured or killed crew member to full health. The SFAK does not provide any Bonus to any crewman.
- The Daily Double Bonus: Each day at midnight server time, the daily double bonus resets and the first victory in each vehicle in the garage will be rewarded with x2 or double experience for the vehicle and for increasing the Training Level of each crew member. An icon in the form of a star followed by x2 appears in the upper right hand corner of the vehicle’s imate in the carousel while in the garage. The icon disappears once the day’s first victory has been won. From time to time, Wargaming holds a special event or promotion when the x2 for the first victory of the day is increased to x3 or even x5.
- Extra Crew Experience Bonus: From time to time, Wargaming holds a special event or promotion when the amount of experience applied to increasing crew Training Level is increased to x2 or even x3 from each battle during a fixed time period, usually a 3 day weekend. News of these special events is broadcast in advance on the portal.
Penalties that Impact Crew Experience and Crew Training LevelsIf a crew member is not competent to operate the tank he/she is placed in, or if a crew member gets injured during battle, then there is a Penalty to the Training Level of their Major Qualification and all Skills and Perks that will affect vehicle performance.
- Vehicle Competence Penalty on Effective Training Level: A crew member must be trained to serve in a specific vehicle which is their designated «Vehicle Competence«. Should a crewman operate a vehicle that he/she is not trained for, he/she may do so but will receive a Penalty to the effectiveness of their Training Level in their Major Qualification and any Skills and Perks he/she has earned and the Effective Training Level for their Major Qualification will be indicated by the % Training Level being colored red in the garage crew panel on their icon. The amount of this Penalty is variable depending upon whether their Vehicle Competence and the vehicle he/she moved to are vehicles of the same «Type» (ie TD, MT, LT, HT, or SPG) or are premium vehicles. The Penalty incurred is according to the following situations:
- If a crew member is moved to a vehicle of the same Type as that in which he/she has their Vehicle Competence, and the vehicle is a premium vehicle, there is no penalty.
- If a crew member is in a vehicle of the same Type as that in which he/she has their Vehicle Competence, and the vehicle is not a premium vehicle, he/she will take a 25% penalty to their current Training Level. For example, an 80% Training Level will be reduced by 25% to 60% and a 100% level would be reduced to 75%.
- If a crew member is in a vehicle of a different Type as that in which he/she has their Vehicle Competence, and the vehicle is a premium vehicle, he/she would also take a 25% Penalty to their current Training Level.
- If a crew member is in a vehicle of a different Type as that in which he/she has their Vehicle Competence, and the vehicle is not a premium vehicle, he/she will take a 50% penalty to their current Training Level. For example, an 80% Training Level will be reduced by 50% to 40%, while a 100% level would be reduced to 50%.
- Vehicle Competence Penalty on Experience to Increase Training Level: A tanker crewing a vehicle that he/she is has no Vehicle Competence in will earn less experience from each battle to be applied to increasing their Training Level.
- In a new vehicle of the same Type as that in which he/she has their Vehicle Competence, there is no Penalty if the new vehicle is a premium vehicle.
- In a vehicle of a different Type as that in which he/she has their Vehicle Competence, the crew member would earn 50% less experience per battle if the new vehicle is a premium vehicle.
- In a new non-premium vehicle of the same Type as that in which he/she has their Vehicle Competence, a Penalty will apply and the crewman would earn 50% less experience per battle than he/she normally would.
- In a new non-premium vehicle of a different Type as that in which he/she has their Vehicle Competence, a Penalty will apply and the crewman would earn 75% less experience per battle than he/she normally would.
Commander knockout reduces the vehicle’s view range.
Gunner knockout reduces aiming speed and increases dispersion. Turret traverse speed will also decrease. If the gun was in the process of zeroing in on target at the moment of the Gunner’s death, the process might start over.
Driver knockout reduces the top speed, traverse speed, and acceleration of the vehicle.
Radio Operator knockout reduces radio range.
Loader knockout decreases reloading speed. If a shell was being loaded at the moment of the Loader’s death, the process might start over.
Effective training level
The Training Level for a crew member’s Major Qualification and their Skills and Perks can be found by hovering the cursor over a crew member’s icon in the crew panel in the garage. These Training Levels do not tell the whole story because they do not take into account any applicable Bonuses or Penalties that may be affecting the actual Training Level used in games mechanics calculations, the Effective Training Level. The Effective Training Level can be calculated using the Bonuses and Penalties that are known to be applied.
- The maximum Effective Training Level for their Major Qualification that can be achieved by a Commander is 120%. This is the sum of their 100% Training level the 5% Bonus for installed Improved Ventilation equipment the 10% Bonus if Premium Consumables are on-board the 5% Bonus for Brothers in Arms Perk. If the Commander is serving on an open topped vehicle and Improved Ventilation equipment is not available to it then the Commander’s maximum Effective Training Level will be 115%.
- The maximum Effective Training Level for their Major Qualification that can be achieved by any crew member other than the Commander is 132%. This is the sum of their 100% Training level the 5% Bonus for installed Improved Ventilation equipment the 10% Bonus if Premium Consumables are on-board the 5% Bonus for Brothers in Arms Perk the bonus of 10% of the Commander’s Major Qualification level. If the crew member is serving on an open topped vehicle and Improved Ventilation equipment is not available to it then their maximum Effective Training Level will be 126.5%.
Multiple Roles — Some vehicles in game have more than one Gunner, Loader, and Radio Operator on board in a normal crew complement. If more than one crew member in a vehicles have the same Major Qualification, then the average of their Training Levels is used to determine their joint performance in that role.
For example, for a vehicle with two Loaders, one at 50% Training Level, and the other at 100%, their average Training Level of 75% will apply to the vehicle as the Loader’s Effective Training Level in battle mechanics and vehicle performance calculations.
Common Skills — The Effective Training Level of the Common Skills, (Repairs, Firefighting, and Camouflage) are averaged across all crew members. If more than one crew member in a vehicles have the same Common Skills, then the average of their Training Levels is used to determine their joint performance in the Common Skills.
For example, for a vehicle with a crew of 4 and two of them are trained in Repairs, one to a level of 60% and one to a level of 100%, then the Effective Training Level for the Repairs Skill for the vehicle is (100 60 0 0)/4=40% and this value will apply in battle mechanics and vehicle perforance calculations.
Experience required to increase training level
It is important to recognize two facts about the amount of XP required to increase Training Level.
- First, the total amount of experience required to achieve a 100% Training Level in the 1st Skill or Perk is double that required to increase the Major Qualification to 100%. This doubling occurs each time with each new Skill or Perk. Training the 2nd Skill or Perk to 100% requires double the amount of XP that the 1st Skill or Perk requires, the 3rd requires double the XP of the 2nd and so on. To increase the Training Level of the:
- Major Qualification from 0% to 100% requires a total of 105,030 XP.
- 1st Skill or Perk from 0% to 100% requires a total of 210,060 XP.
- 2nd Skill or Perk from 0% to 100% requires a total of 420,120 XP.
- 3rd Skill or Perk from 0% to 100% requires a total of 840,240 XP.
- Second, the amount of experience required to achieve each additional 1% of Training Level is not a fixed amount but instead also increases as the Training Level increases. For example, to increase the Training Level of the:
- Major Qualification by 1% from 68% to 69% requires 21 × 25 × 100(68/100) = 1,146 XP, but to increase it the 1% from 98% to 99% will require 21 × 25 × 100(98/100) = 4,560 XP.
- 1st Skill or Perk by 1% from 48% to 49% requires 22 × 25 × 100(48/100) = 912 XP, but to increase it the 1% from 98% to 99% will require 22 × 25 × 100(98/100) = 9,120 XP.
- 2nd Skill or Perk by 1% from 48% to 49% requires 23 × 25 × 100(48/100) = 1,824 XP, but to increase it the 1% from 98% to 99% will require 23 × 25 × 100(98/100) = 18,240 XP.
- 3rd Skill or Perk by 1% from 48% to 49% requires 24 × 25 × 100(48/100) = 3,648 XP, but to increase it the 1% from 98% to 99% will require 24 × 25 × 100(98/100) = 36,480 XP.
The amount of experience required to increase the Training Level by an increment of 1% can be calculated using the following formula:
- XP for next_SkillLevel% 1 = 2Y × 25 × 100(current_SkillLevel%/100)
- where «Y« is equal to:
- 1 in the case of the Training Level of the Major Qualification
- 2 in the case of the Training Level of the 1st Skill or Perk
- 3 in the case of the Training Level of the 2nd Skill or Perk
- 4 in the case of the Training Level of the 3rd Skill or Perk
- and so on…
- where «Y« is equal to:
- If you wish, you can download an Excel calculator to help you visualize the implications of the formula and make your own calculations. The link can be found in the WoT Community Portal or here at WoT Training Level Calculator.
The following graphs illustrate the progression of Training Level as it relates to the amount of experience required.
Managing skills and perks
Delaying Selection of a Skill or Perk
If you do not chose a Skill or a Perk immediately after it becomes available, that crew member will nevertheless continue to gather experience and will apply stored experience to the proper Skill once a Skill is chosen.
This is beneficial when purchasing a new tank with 100% crew, but not knowing what Skills or Perks would benefit it. You can play some battles with that crew before selecting their Skills or Perks. It can also be useful during retraining.
If a crew member’s Training Level percentage for their role drops due to retraining, all new experience earned will be applied to restoring the Training Level in their Major Qualification until it reaches 100% again. However, any acquired Skills or Perks will not drop and will remain in effect.
Effect of Secondary Roles on a Skill or Perk
Some vehicles require crew members to assume secondary roles in addition to that of their Major Qualification. In a vehicle requiring a crew of only two, a Commander and a Driver, the Commander also fills the secondary roles of Gunner, Radio Operator, and Loader.
In such case, any Skills and Perks that would otherwise be available only to the Gunner, Radio Operator, or Loader are available to the Commander. If the Commander is moved to another vehicle where he/she no longer fills a secondary role then any Skill or Perk he/she had specifically for the secondary role becomes inactive.
For example, the Leichttraktor has a crew of three and the Commander assumes the secondary roles and acts also as the vehicle’s Radio Operator and Gunner. You have trained him with a Skill available only to a Radio Operator and a Perk available only to a Gunner.
If you then move that Commander to the Pz.Kpfw. II which has a crew of three, your Commander loses the role of Radio Operator and the Skill associated with it. However, he/she retains their Perk as Gunner because he/she has that secondary role in the new vehicle.
The Radio Operator Skill is not lost, merely inactive when the Commander is placed in a vehicle with another member of the Crew in the role of Radio Operator. If the Commander is later moved back to the Leichttraktor, the Skill will be restored at its previous level.
Dropping Skills and Perks
You can reset all of a crewman’s learned Skills and Perks. This allows you to change your crew member’s Skills or Perks without having to start all over with a new recruit. There are three options available:
Since the first two options are based on total Skill/Perk experience points, the more Skills/Perks a crewman has, the more expensive (in terms of experience points) they become. However, these options only reduce a crewman’s Skill/Perk experience points, and don’t take their role experience points into consideration.
For example, if you have a crewman who just reached 100% in their Major Qualification, and you choose a Skill (which has 0% Training Level), and then immediately decide to change it, then choosing the free option won’t actually cost you any experience.
Since each additional percentage point requires more experience than the one before, you can’t simply take 10/20% off of the displayed Training Level percentage. Instead you have to determine the crewman’s Skill/Perk experience points (calculated from the chart below)
For example, if you have a crewman with a 50% Training Level in their first Skill/Perk, and drop their Skill/Perk with the free option (a 20% reduction), you don’t take 20% off of 50%. If you did, you’d get 40%, which would be wrong. You actually get 45%.
It takes 19,097 experience points to reach a 50% Training Level. Reduce that by 20% and you have 15,227 experience points remaining. 15,227 experience points are enough for a 45% Training Level. Likewise a crewman with 100% in their first Skill/Perk and 80% Training Level in their second Skill/Perk (which comes to 374,765 experience points) will end up at 100% and 67% with the 298,662 experience points remaining, not 100% and 44%.
Given the high cost (in experience, credits, or gold) it’s clearly in your best interest to choose Skills and Perks carefully in the first place.
If retraining a crew member from another vehicle resulted in their Training Level dropping below 100% for their role, then subsequently resetting their Skills and Perks will automatically assign all free experience to the Major Qualification Training Level until it reaches 100% again. Any experience left over can then be reassigned to Skills or Perks of your choice.
Multiple roles
Some vehicles, particularly large caliber SPGs and TDs, may require a crew of 6 members and include a second Loader. The M2 Medium Tank requires a crew of 6, two of whom are Radio Operators. The T1 Heavy Tank and the M6 each carry crews of 6 with two gunners.
Other vehicles may require a crew complement of only 2, 3, or 4 crew members, less than the five Major Qualifications. Small light tanks with a crew of only 2 usually include a Commander and a Driver. In such cases the game mechanics calculations require a crew member to perform additional roles.
For example, in an MS-1, the Commander also fills the role of Gunner, Radio Operator, and Loader, while the Driver only drives. Although these crew members perform multiple roles, they still only have one Qualification, which is the first, or left-most, icon.
Icon | Perk Name | Role | Description |
![]() | Brothers in Arms | All | The Brothers in Arms (aka «BIA») Perk increases by a fixed 5%, the Training Level of each one of the crew members in their Major Qualification and in any of the common Skills (Repair, Firefighting, and/or Camouflage) they may have acquired. It also improves the Commander’s Mentor Skill by 5%. The BIA Perk does not have any effect on other role-specific Skills or Perks, and provides no benefit whatsoever unless all of the crew have it trained to 100%. It does stay in effect if a crew member is knocked out during battle. The effect of the BIA Perk is cumulative with that of any installed Improved Ventilation equipment and with any purchased crew Skills boosting consumables such as Extra Combat Rations, Case of Cola, Chocolate, Pudding and Tea, Strong Coffee, and/or Improved Combat Rations. Sisterhood of Steel was combined with Brothers in Arms in Update 9.19[2]. |
![]() | Sixth Sense | Commander | The Sixth Sense Perk enables the Commander to know if the vehicle has been detected by the enemy. Three seconds after being detected by the enemy, a visual indicator in the form of a light bulb appears in the upper center screen portion of your battle interface. The indicator turns off after a few seconds whether you are still detected or not. There is no indicator to show whether or not you have become hidden again. Primarily helpful for TDs, SPGs, and passive scouts. Many players have mentioned they’d prefer the indicator to remain on for as long as the enemy detects you, but that is not how it currently works. |
![]() | Eagle Eye | Commander | The Eagle Eye Perk enables the Commander to identify any critically damaged modules on a targeted enemy vehicle after a delay of four seconds. Indicators for each damaged module will then appear below the targeted vehicle, allowing you to target them for further damage. It will only work for enemies Spotted by your crew, not for enemy contacts relayed by your team mates. Primarily helpful for brawlers and flankers. |
![]() | Deadeye | Gunner | The Deadeye Perk enables the Gunner to increase, by a fixed amount of 3%, the chance that a shot will critically damage enemy vehicle modules and crew with AP, APCR, or HEAT shells. It does not work with HE/HESH shells. If two Gunners on the vehicle have the Perk, the effect is not cumulative. If combined with the Eagle Eye Perk, you’ll be able to get an idea of how well this Perk is working. |
![]() | Designated Target | Gunner | The Designated Target Perk enables the Gunner to make targeted enemy vehicles within 10 degrees of your reticle remain visible for two more seconds than they normally would remain visible. This Perk works only while in arcade view or sniper view and not in SPG strategic view. However, any allied vehicle will benefit from a team mate’s use of this Perk, including SPGs using strategic view. If two Gunners on the vehicle have the Perk, the effect is not cumulative. Primarily helpful for snipers and in some cases for scouts. |
![]() | Preventative Maintenance | Driver | The Preventive Maintenance Perk enables the Driver to reduce by 25% the chance of engine fire by preventing gas or oil leakage in the engine compartment. The effect of this Perk is cumulative with that of the reduced chance of fire provided by any purchased Automatic Fire Extinguisher premium consumable. |
![]() | Call for Vengeance | Radio Operator | The Call for Vengeance Perk enables the Radio Operator to continue to report enemy positions for an additional two seconds after the destruction of their own vehicle. If two Radio Operators on the vehicle have the Perk, the effect is not cumulative. Primarily helpful for scouts. |
![]() | Safe Stowage | Loader | The Safe Stowage Perk enables a Loader to stow rounds in the storage racks in such a way that they do not come into contact with each other. The result is simulated as an increase in ammo rack durability of 12.5%. If two Loaders have the Perk, the effect is not cumulative. The effect of the Safe Stowage Perk is cumulative with that of increased ammo rack durability that comes with any installed Wet Ammo Rack equipment. |
![]() | Adrenaline Rush | Loader | The Adrenaline Rush Perk enables a Loader to shorten the time to reload the gun by 9.1% if the vehicle has less than 10% of its hit points left. If two Loaders on the vehicle have the Perk, the effect is not cumulative. The effect of the Adrenaline Rush Perk is cumulative with that of the increased loading speed from using any installed Gun Rammer equipment. |
![]() | Intuition | Loader | Allows for quicker switching between shell types in a loaded gun. To activate this skill, a gun, a double-barreled gun, or a magazine must be fully loaded. If there are multiple loaders their average skill level is taken into account[3]. The minimum time to change a shell type is 1 s for cyclic (standard) guns and 2.5 s for double-barreled guns and magazines.[4] |
Personal file
Players can review a crew member’s Personal File by right clicking on the crew member’s icon in either the Barracks view or the Garage view. On the left side of the window that opens is a list of the crew member’s basic information, including:
- The crew member’s Avatar image, their Rank, and their Full Name.
- The name of the Vehicle he/she is currently crewing if in Garage. (Nothing if he/she is a resident in a bunk in the Barracks.)
- their Major Qualification, meaning the role and job he/she is trained for.
- their Training Level in their Major Qualification expressed as a percent.
- Modifiers to their Major Qualification Training Level.
- their Vehicle Competence: The name of the vehicle in which he/she has a Major Qualification.
- their assigned Skills and Perks, and whether each is trained to 100% or, if not, the level so far achieved.
On the right side of the Personal File window are four additional tabs. Clicking on one of these four tabs will opens a sub-window on the right side of the Personal File screen which displays additional information about the crew member, including their:
- Service Record: — displays information about the crew member’s service record which includes the number of battles he/she has fought and awards he/she has received over the course of their career. Battles and awards stay with him, even if the crew member is retrained and transferred to another vehicle. This tab also shows the amount of experience and estimated battles needed to upgrade any Skills or Perks to 100%.
For each crew member, his/her Training Level in their Major Qualification, and the levels of each and every Skill or Perk has acquired, all combine to constitute to overall «Proficiency».
The degree of Proficiency of each individual crew member is important because the factors contributing to it are all used in the game mechanics calculations. A crew member’s Proficiency directly affects and improves the properties of certain modules installed on the vehicle, the respective handling and performance characteristics of those modules, and the vehicle’s overall performance in battle.
The Proficiency of the crew members also impacts the speed at which damaged modules are repaired, and how much damage fires do and whether or not fires are extinguished before it’s too late. Proficiency also affects the effectiveness of the vehicle’s camouflage, serving to hide the vehicle from its enemies and avoid detection.
- The Commander’s principal job is to spot enemy vehicles. The Commander’s degree of Proficiency directly affects their View Range. The more Proficient the Commander the greater the distance at which an enemy can be Spotted. The Commander also gives a small bonus to all other crew members in the vehicle; 10% of the Commander’s Major Qualification.
- The Gunner’s principal job is to aim and fire the vehicle’s main gun. The Gunner’s degree of Proficiency directly affects the Aiming Speed at which the sights lock on to a target, the Accuracy of each shot, and the Turret Traverse (rotation) speed. The more Proficient the Gunner, the better the shots he/she will make.
- The Driver’s principal job is to drive and maneuver the vehicle. The Driver’s degree of Proficiency directly affects the Movement and Manueverability of the vehicle, including its acceleration, top speed, terrain resistance, and hull traverse speed. The more Proficient the Driver, the better the vehicle will maneuver.
Radio Operator
- The Radio Operator’s principal job is communicating with allies. The Radio Operator’s degree of Proficiency directly affects the Radio or Signal Range of the vehicle. The vehicle can communicate with any allied vehicle whose Signal Range overlaps with its own. Any vehicles (friend or foe) which are spotted by any allied vehicle within Signal Range will also be communicated to and display on the player’s mini-map. This provides battlefield situational awareness which can be a decisive tactical advantage. The more Proficient the Radio Operator, the greater the distance that the vehicle can communicate with allies and thereby spot enemy tanks.
- The Loader’s principal job is loading the next round into the main gun. Each Loader’s Proficiency directly affects how fast the next shell is loaded, and the more Proficient the Loader(s) the faster the gun reloads. The more Proficient the Loader, the faster the time to reload the gun.
Skills and perks
Skills and Perks are additional Proficiencies that a crew member can learn beyond those of their Major Qualification. Skills and Perks only become available for selection after a crew member’s Training Level in their Major Qualification reaches 100%. At such time a small plus icon
After selecting a Skill or a Perk, a new icon representing it will replace the plus icon in the crew panel, and the percentage of Training Level achieved towards its completion will appear next to it. Skills are displayed as lighted icons on the crew panel. A Perk that has not yet reached a Training Level of 100% and become active is displayed as a shaded or greyed-out icon.
A crew member can only be trained in one Skill or Perk at a time. After the first Skill or Perk reaches 100%, the Training Level for an explanation of how experience is applied to increase it. The tables below give more detail than the overview on the WoT Guide’s How to use Perks and Skills pageTraining Level for an explanation of how experience is applied to increase it. The tables below give more detail than the overview on the WoT Guide’s How to use Perks and Skills page[1].
Training and retraining in the major qualification
Regardless of whether a player is recruiting a new crew or a single new crew member for a vehicle, or retraining an existing crew or single crew member for a move to a different vehicle, the player will be presented with a series of screens displaying three choices to set or reset their Training Level for their Major Qualification. These three options are:
Choices for Training a New Recruit in their Major Qualification
- Regimental School — At the cost of 20,000 credits, the player’s selection of the Regimental School option will cause the new crew member to immediately obtain a 75% Training Level in their Major Qualification. In such case no Skill or Perk selection will become available until the crew member’s Training Level in their Major Qualification reaches 100% through experience earned in battle.
- Rapid Courses — For free, the player’s selection of the Rapid Courses option will cause the new recruit to obtain the default of a 50% Training Level in their Major Qualification. In such case no Skill or Perk selection will become available until the crew member’s Training Level in their Major Qualification reaches 100% through experience earned in battle.
Choices for Re-Training a Crew Member for Move to a Different Vehicle
- Regimental School — At the cost of 20,000 credits, the player’s selection of the Regimental School option will cause the existing crew member to immediately obtain a new Major Qualification Training Level equivalent to 75%, or to 90% of their former Training Level, whichever is greater; if he/she is retraining to a new vehicle of the same type. For example, moving from one TD to a different TD. If the move is from a vehicle of one type to another, a TD to SPG, then the Regimental School option retrains him to 75%, or 80% of their former level, whichever is greater. In either such case no new Skill or Perk selection will become available until the crew member’s Training Level in their Major Qualification reaches 100% through experience earned in battle.
- Rapid Courses — For free, the player’s selection of the Rapid Courses option will cause the existing crew memberuit to immediately obtain the default Major Qualification Training Level equivalent to 50%, or to 80% of their former Training Level, whichever is greater; if he/she is retraining to a new vehicle of the same type. For example, moving from one TD to a different TD. If the move is from a vehicle of one type to another, a TD to SPG, then the Regimental School option retrains him to 50%, or 60% of their former level, whichever is greater. In either such case no new Skill or Perk selection will become available until the crew member’s Training Level in their Major Qualification reaches 100% through experience earned in battle.
- Effect on Pre-Existing Skills and Perks — If the crew member has already acquired any Skills or Perks prior to retraining by Rapid Courses or by Regimental School, then each of them will carry over to the new vehicle without any reduction in the same percentage level earned prior to the move. They will remain effective in the new vehicle at their current percentage levels. However, their icons will be greyed out and such Skills and Perks will not resume accumulating additional experience through battle and increasing in effectiveness until such time as the Training Level in the Major Qualification in the new vehicle reaches 100%. Thereafter, such Skills and Perks will all be restored to active, their icon will illuminate, and once again they will start accumulating additional experience through battle.
Reasons to Re-Train and Transfer Crew Members
After your grind is finished and you plan on selling your vehicle and purchasing the one in the next higher tier, it is almost always a good idea to send your crew from the sold vehicle to the Barracks prior to its sale, buy the new higher tier vehicle with «No Crew» option box checked, and then move the old crew to the new vehicle and retrain them for it.
This is especially true if you have any Skills and Perks among the crew.It takes a lot of experienced gained in battles or a substantial amount of gold to train a crew to 100% in their Major Qualifications. It takes a lot more hard fought battle experience over a long period of time for a crewman to acquire 1, 2, or 3 Skills or Perks.
If a crew member has any accumulated Skills or Perks at all it is not a good idea to dismiss him, even if you have to buy additional bunks for the Barracks to keep him available for a future vehicle. A fresh recruit, even if with a 100% Training Level in their Major Qualification purchased with gold at the time of recruitment will start with their one new Skill or Perk at 0% level.
Even if your crew does not yet have any Skills or Perks it may make sense to retrain. For example, if your existing crew member has already reached more than 83% Training Level in their Major Qualification, retraining him to a vehicle of the same type in the Regimental School at 90% of their former level will leave him with a training level that is still higher than the 75% for a crew member recruited fresh out of Regimental School. You should avoid retraining between vehicle types or use gold which retrains to 100% regardless of the type.
A crew member’s rank and the medals he/she has earned are retained through retraining. Although neither have any affect on the crew member’s performance, you may be interested to continue a crew member’s career to further their rank and achievements.
Как быстро получить отметки?
Зачастую, на получение первой уходит порядка 20-30 боев, второй знак берется если сыграть еще столько же (или больше). Взятие последней, третьей отметки самое сложное задание, требующие поддержание всех 3-х вышеописанных факторов. Боев может уйти как 20, так и 200, а то и больше.
Следует понимать, основой получения знаков на стволах служит скилл, а не количество сыгранных боев. Для большинства игроков World of Tanks 3 отметка, а иногда даже 2, является непостижимой целью.
Для таких игроков и существует спасательный круг в виде сервиса wot-helper. Заплатив небольшую сумму денежных средств вы быстро получите 1, 2 или даже 3 отметки на любом танке, котором пожелаете, начиная 5 уровнем, заканчивая 10.
Наши специалисты настолько хороши в своем деле, что помимо основной услуги, вы абсолютно бесплатно, то есть бонусом получаете:
- Знак классности Мастер (возможно даже не 1 раз)
- Поднятие общей статистики аккаунта
- Прокачка экипажа
- Редкие медали и достижения
- Попадание в Аллею славы и установка личных рекордов по танку
Перед началом заказа услуги Отличительные отметки обязательно должны быть соблюдены условия:
- На аккаунте имеется серебро и золото для установки/снятия необходимого оборудования
- Экипаж танка обучен на 100% и владеет минимум 2 перками каждый
- Заказчик не играет на танке до завершения заказа
Чтобы совершить заказ, необходимо сделать следующие действия:
- Зайти на сайт
- Выбрать услугу Отличительные отметки
- Выбрать нужную отметку
- Указать текущий показатель
- Выбрать танк, для выполнения
- Оплатить услугу электронным переводом
- Получить заказ по истечению нескольких дней (точные сроки уточняются у оператора)
Нужна помощь в получении отличительных отметок? Смело обращайтесь. За время существования проекта wot-helper осуществлено более 1000 заказов. Наши ребята сделают все в лучшем виде.
Как получить отметки
Отметка выдаётся за средний урон, нанесённый на танке. При этом постоянно ведётся статистика всех игроков, которые играют на определённой технике за период 7 дней. Ситуация аналогична знакам классности, только там высчитывается средний чистый опыт игрока на конкретной машине. Лёгкие танки могут зарабатывать отметки при помощи засвета вражеской техники и нанесения урона по ней союзниками.
Статистика берётся за 1 неделю, исходя из которой, игрок получает соответствующий знак на ствол орудия.
Есть определённый коэффициент, который определяет заслуги каждого игрока:
- 1 отметка – средний урон больше чем у 65% игроков;
- 2 отметка – средний урон больше чем у 85% игроков;
- 3 отметка – средний урон больше чем у 95% игроков.
На сегодняшний день можно следить за отметками 2 способами:
- Внутриигровая статистика игрока по отметкам.
- Специальный мод .
Чтобы посмотреть статистику в игре, нужно зайти во вкладку «достижения», которая находится вверху экрана.
В достижениях будет пункт «техника».
Пройдя по вкладке, высветится список всех танков, на которых играл пользователь. Чтобы узнать статистику конкретного танка, нужно нажать на него. Справа будет подзаголовок «награды».
Откроется окно с достижениями. В верхней части будет изображён ствол и действующие отметки на нём. Если отметок нет, тогда он будет заблокирован.
Наведя курсором мышки на изображение, высветится действующая статистика игрока.
Теперь зная, как проверить свой прогресс по отметкам, можно часто следить за изменениями.
Второй вариант – это установка специального мода, которая будет указывать прогресс возле иконки каждого танка.
Последние моды изображают прогресс в бою. К тому же изображено значение, которое нужно достигнуть в процессе боя, чтобы коэффициент увеличился. Изменение цвета чисел обозначает следующее:
- красный – коэффициент понижается;
- зелёный – коэффициент остаётся на месте или незначительно повышается;
- фиолетовый – коэффициент значительно повышается.
Мод очень полезен, поскольку игрок будет всегда знать, сколько ему необходимо нанести урона, чтобы повысить общий процент.
Классы техники
Легкие танки – отличительной чертой легких танков является их мобильность. Они могут за ход переместиться на 2 клетки по вертикали и/или горизонтали, или на 1 клетку по диагонали. Также легкие танки, в отличие от всех остальных классов техники, могут переместиться на 1 клетку по горизонтали или вертикали в ход, когда были выведены на плацдарм. Атакуют и контратакуют 1 раз за ход.
Атака никак не влияет на способность легких танков передвинуться еще на 1 клетку по горизонтали или вертикали. Можно подъехать легким танком, атаковать противника и отъехать.
Средние танки – могут перемещаться на 1 клетку по горизонтали, вертикали или диагонали. Атакуют и контратакуют 1 раз за ход.
Тяжелые танки – могут перемещаться на 1 клетку по вертикали или горизонтали. Атакуют 1 раз за ход. Не могут контратаковать, если атаковали на своем ходу. Если же не атаковали, то могут контратаковать 1 раз за ход.
ПТ-САУ – могут перемещаться на 1 клетку по вертикали или горизонтали. Атакуют и контратакуют 1 раз за ход. ПТ-САУ при атаке танков наносит повреждения первой. Если урона ПТ-САУ достаточно для уничтожения танка, он погибает, не успев контратаковать. Если сражаются две ПТ-САУ, то они наносят урон одновременно, даже уничтоженная при атаке ПТ-САУ контратакует.
САУ – могут перемещаться на 1 клетку по вертикали или горизонтали. Атакуют 1 раз за ход любую обнаруженную технику противника или штаб. Не получают контратак. Не контратакуют сами.
Для розыгрыша карт вам требуются ресурсы. Вы не можете потратить больше ресурсов, чем у вас имеется. Розыгрыш техники можно производить только на 3 клетки вокруг своего штаба (на свой Плацдарм). Техника, выведенная на плацдарм, на этом ходу не может перемещаться (исключением являются легкие танки). Если ваш плацдарм занят своей и/или чужой техникой – вы не можете разыгрывать технику, пока не освободится место на плацдарме.
Обучение экипажа
Ошибки в обучении экипажа исправлять придется долго, поэтому при выборе перков нужно ориентироваться не только на огневую мощь, но и на выживаемость. Мы предлагаем такую последовательность обучения:
• Командир (радист) – ,
• Наводчик – ,
• Механик-водитель – ,
• Заряжающий – ,